The Last Blade, released in Japan as Bakumatsu Rouman: Gekka no Kenshi (幕末浪漫 月華の剣士), is a fighting g
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The Last Blade, released in Japan as Bakumatsu Rouman: Gekka no Kenshi (幕末浪漫 月華の剣士), is a fighting game developed and released by SNK for the Neo Geo system in 1997. It was also ported to several home systems.
The game takes place during the Bakumatsu era in Japan, and incorporates various elements of Japanese mythology (with a heavy emphasis on the symbology of the Four Symbols). As such, the background music generally incorporates synthesized instruments simulating a sound appropriate to the 19th century setting, in a Western classical, pseudo-Romantic style (unusual for a fighting game).